Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Did Napoleon steal the Mona Lisa?

Some guys steal beautiful works of art, some guys steal buildings. Mayor Smurf is a building stealer. That is what he does. The Americus is in his tiny, sweaty little grasp, like a 4.5" Polish sausage. Nevermind the injustice or rather the perceived injustice - today is all that matters. Pull on your little Polish sausage you fucking smurf. Blow on it and say three times: there's no place like a free building, there's no place like a free building, there's no place like this shithole Allentown for stealing buildings. Watch your little meat tube rise to its full glory.

You're a liar and a meat tube puller.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Allentown will NEVER improve

What a fucking rats' nest! This shithole will never ever improve - sure that fucking smurf douchebag Ed Pawlowski and his band of turds will continue to throw public money at the dump but it is just a matter of time until the next, inevitable wave of rot hits the shitpile.

Today, one of the loveliest people in the city is finally to break free of the dump and move westward. This person is a lifelong Allentown resident - one of the truly "creative class" that dorks like Ed Pawlowski can only dream of being. Today is the day when freedom is gained - BUT, not without the price to be extracted first (usually the Valley Vortex takes its revenge after one leaves, mostly in the form of being pulled back into it willingly or unwillingly).

This "up front" "revenge" most likely is due to the fact that this person is really good and really nice and genuine and downright too good to ever return to Allentown (maybe another nicer place in the region but not the shithole known as Allentown). So, after many months of planning and packing and stressing and worry, the last day dawns and what a bright day it will be! But...wait..."I'm just waking up...why is someone calling my name from the street below??!! It is my neighbor, calling my name - maybe he has come to wish me farewell!! Huh? What's that? All of them??!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's right, Allentown, on the last night inside your rotten guts, you've sent a glob of your homegrown demon seed to steal not one, two, or even three but ALL FOUR WHEELS AND TIRES from the car, leaving it on bricks. THE LAST FUCKING NIGHT INSIDE YOUR ROTTEN GUTS, HOPEFULLY THE LAST NIGHT EVER INSIDE YOUR DISEASED ANUS!

Oh, you know it already but let Jim Golds say it one more time: I HATE ALLENTOWN.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just for good measure

Ed Pawlowski is a fucking douchebag.