Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tickle Me Pink You Fat Smurf Bastard

Hamilton Street...My only Hamilton Street - it's sweet oh Hamilton Street!

Aw fuck Hamilton Street and fuck Ed Pawlowski too. Now the Federal Grill is closing AND the Rite Aid is closing and damn if that Wendy's place with the sweet, triple cheeseburgers didn't close too. Darn. That pretty much leaves only the places propped up with public money and the last of the shops that serve the local demographic.

You are going to get your just dessert, thick and creamy just like Susan Gotschall would give it to ya! You little troll. There is a whole army of people who are waiting, like vultures, for you to complete your 4.5 foot fall to the ground. You'll be tugging at your little meat tube and crying and you'll get it alright, you'll get what is coming to you. You've been spit-shining the turd known as Hamilton Street so hard that you have worn through the chrome veneer right to the shit inside. Now it is oozing out thick and fast.

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