Friday, January 18, 2008

March your fat blue smurf ass up the street now!

"Official: PPL put pressure on firm
Montana subsidiary said to want energy company to back its legislative policy."

How typical is this of the Hamilton Street gorilla? Very typical. Most people in Allentown aren't aware of (or are so beholden to PPL that they turn the other cheek) how this bully operates. It would take a lot of words to describe the level of the misdeeds and I don't have the time so I'll just give you a little taste- open wide - that's it, it up...

PPL was involved with Enron.

PPL's Enron-like division is called PPL Energy Plus. PPL Energy Plus is not the so-called "public" utility "PPL Electric".

PPL Energy Plus is simply a broker of energy and doesn't generate or distribute anything. For all practical purposes, Energy Plus could have its offices in the new casino.

PPL runs a mid-Atlantic energy cartel and was indicted for artificially inflating (fixing) energy prices in the mid-Atlantic region.

Last time I checked (a few years ago now - today is probably much higher) PPL Energy Plus pulled in $4 Billion per year in revenue. PPL Energy plus was hiding in the corporate tower when it should have been paying business privilege taxes to the city of Hamilton Street (aka Allentown). Ed Pawlowski was directly involved in allowing PPL Energy Plus to move across the street into the nice new building (which they DIDN'T build) thereby insuring that they would pay no taxes for a long time. How much did they save by this move - oh, only between $300-$500 million. Ed Pawlowski claims he wasn't involved. He's a liar. Ed is upset that opposing baseball teams won't stay in his city but he didn't even blink at the fucking the city got from PPL.

The electricity industry was deregulated which was supposed to allow competition with the ultimate goal of reducing prices for the consumer. At that time, PPL should have found itself facing property tax issues in PA - like it did in Montana. Nope. PURTA saved the day - PURTA is the "PA Utility Real Estate Tax Act" which shields PPL from normal property taxes. Part of PURTA's protection would, of course, be from school district taxes - PPL loves the advantage so why not hire a state school board guy to run interference. A few years ago, as its annual contribution, PPL gave the ASD $140,000 - why? As a good corporate citizen - bullshit. PPL also became involved in monitoring students in the ASD - why? Probably because if the school system, failing at that time, collapsed, PPL's contribution would be scrutinized and perhaps found, in a deregulated world, that it wasn't paying nearly it's fair share. PPL should be paying the ASD about $1 million or more per year.

PPL systematically bought up competitiors or drove them out of business.

PPL released 150 million gallons of Fly Ash into a local river. They said that the waste was held back by a small piece of wood and that wood failed. They treated this as no big deal. Look up Fly Ash - its not something that you want a small piece of wood holding back. It's highly toxic.

Ed Pawlowski will probably graduate to PPL when he is done spending money in Allentown.

PPL will probably leave Allentown when the KOZ benefits are gone.

When asked "what are the projected savings for PPL Energy Plus resulting from moving the division into the KOZ" the senior manager at PPL (a former Community and Economic Development Director for the City of Hamilton Street, (surprise!)) stated "at PPL, we don't do projections". Huh?

Aw fuck them and fuck Allentown. Not the good people and there are many. Not even the knuckleheads who are just trying to get by. I mean fuck you Ed Pawlowski and your bunch of insidious shitheads.

What to do? March your little blue smurf ass up the street and tell PPL that the city needs $30 million over the next three years or you're going to kick them out of the KOZ and collect taxes not just going forward but retroactive as well. What are they going to do? Leave? Who cares - that would make their Allentown property taxable. Do it now before it is too late - and it will be too late pretty soon - you smurf.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I perceive therefore I am - I'd like to move to Allentown and end up in a dumpster. I'd like to be set on fire too. "I love it"! - I wonder if this man will perceive sexual satisfaction with his perceived penis that was blown off. Nice euphemism - "groin area".

I perceive that The Morning Call doesn't include much in the police report section regarding crime in Allentown. I perceive that because it is not reported it doesn't exist.

I perceive that no one in their right mind should be walking around Allentown at 12:30am. No one. I perceive that a man or woman SHOULD have the right to walk around at any time in any place - just not in Allentown. Get out before it is too late.

The Clowns at Trexler Square

A beautiful video piece on 69 WFMZ news about some real "risk takers" who have purchased these modern day slums in downtown Hamilton Street, PA. Listen to Pedro as he lays claim to being a hero for "putting his money" somewhere - one little detail he left out - Pedro was given a huge tax incentive to buy one of these dumps! That's right taxpayer, you are paying for Pedro's use of all the municipal services and you get to have the privilege of ensuring that he and the developer make a tidy profit.

As with just about any other so-called development in Allentown, this project received public funding through the Keystone Opportunity Zone meaning that the residents and the builder (I'm sure) pay no taxes for a very long period of time. And, even though there is an expiration date on the KOZ, mark my words that when PPL or Butz or these residents are threatened with having to actually pay their fair share, they will threaten to leave if the KOZ benefits are not extended. Maybe I'm wrong but by that time Ed "The Smurf" Pawlowski will have graduated to a position of employment with one of the big companies in Allentown allowing him to manipulate the City into extending the benefits.

In Allentown the saying goes "Institutional Money Tastes Like Honey!"

Is it any wonder Allentown can't even get visiting ball clubs to stay in the city - The mayor is a fucking smurf for crying out loud.