Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Clowns at Trexler Square

A beautiful video piece on 69 WFMZ news about some real "risk takers" who have purchased these modern day slums in downtown Hamilton Street, PA. Listen to Pedro as he lays claim to being a hero for "putting his money" somewhere - one little detail he left out - Pedro was given a huge tax incentive to buy one of these dumps! That's right taxpayer, you are paying for Pedro's use of all the municipal services and you get to have the privilege of ensuring that he and the developer make a tidy profit.

As with just about any other so-called development in Allentown, this project received public funding through the Keystone Opportunity Zone meaning that the residents and the builder (I'm sure) pay no taxes for a very long period of time. And, even though there is an expiration date on the KOZ, mark my words that when PPL or Butz or these residents are threatened with having to actually pay their fair share, they will threaten to leave if the KOZ benefits are not extended. Maybe I'm wrong but by that time Ed "The Smurf" Pawlowski will have graduated to a position of employment with one of the big companies in Allentown allowing him to manipulate the City into extending the benefits.

In Allentown the saying goes "Institutional Money Tastes Like Honey!"

Is it any wonder Allentown can't even get visiting ball clubs to stay in the city - The mayor is a fucking smurf for crying out loud.

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