Thursday, May 29, 2008


This according to The Morning Call:

"The owner of the Neuweiler Brewery building in Allentown was jailed last week until he paid years worth of outstanding fines for the poor condition of the Allentown historic landmark.

He was released from Lehigh County Prison on May 21 by District Judge Karen Devine after he paid about $13,000 in fines.

Moore said Kellner had requested the meeting at the brewery to discuss a complaint he had made about the condition of a neighboring property.

''What is the irony in that,'' Mayor Ed Pawlowski said. ''For him to come in and complain, the audacity of it is beyond my comprehension.''Pawlowski said the arrest shows how far the city is willing to go to make absentee landlords maintain their properties.'

"P-Cube and Little Seizer to the rescue again! The sweaty grasp tightens around yet another building. Grunting and sweating and groaning with delight, P-Cube leaks anticipatory fluid from the edges of his mouth, knowing that it is only a matter of time before this one is his! His faithful do-little henchman, Mike "Little Seizer" Rosenfeld is preparing to grab the prize for the fat blue meat tube puller.

Never mind the hundreds of millions in tax breaks and public funding for the boys on Hamilton Street - most likely zero of which have ever been extended to this outsider from New Jersey and never mind that the sucker bought the building in 2003- long after most of the degradation took place. Those are just past, perceived injustices.

Eventually P-Cube's portfolio will include all of these buildings, Americus and Hotel Traylor included, and they will be transferred to some company or authority at which the Mayor Smurf reigns.

Mayor Smurf has his little meat tube in a stranglehold while Little Seizer looks on! "C'mon P-Cube, strangle that 4.5" thing" "Oh yeah Little Seizer, get me that building, get me that building NOW!"

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